👍Best Practices

Where should I put my widget?

Place the widget in places where a user might see their asset overviews

  • In dashboards

  • In asset lists

Place the widget in places where a user might need to top up their crypto in preparation for an action

  • Staking

  • Pooling

  • Swapping, etc

Place the widget in places where a user might need to top up their crypto in the moment

  • When a user does not have enough for a web3 action

    • Example: User wants to do a swap on your app for 1500 USDC to 1 ETH, but only has 1300 USDC available in their wallet

    • When the user clicks Swap and you've detected they have insufficient funds, call the Kado Ramp widget with params:

      • amount = 200 (the difference in amount)

      • onRevCurrency = USDC (the asset that the user is missing)

      • wallet = [their connected user wallet] (sent directly to their connected wallet)

Place the widget in places that a user might want to get their crypto back into fiat

  • When a user wants to lock in crypto profits

    • For DEXs or any apps where you can "sell" crypto into Kado-supported crypto assets

      • Example: User sells their 1 ETH for 1500 USDC

      • Place the widget near the sell button or sell confirmation screen where they can then get their crypto back into their bank account

    • For staking, vault based protocols, or any apps that you can "harvest" crypto into Kado-supported assets

      • Example: User has a position farming for USDC rewards. Every week, they "harvest" their rewards and lock in their earned USDC

      • Place the widget near the harvest button or confirmation where they can then off-ramp their harvest rewards back into fiat


  • Test to ensure optimal widget placement to make sure that everything fits where you want it to


  • Test in your staging environments to make sure things are working how you want them to before pushing to production

How should I close my widget?

  • Make sure the widget does not close when a user clicks off of the widget - confine the close action to a close button or other explicit action. Otherwise, this could lead to users losing their progress and having to re-enter their information

Last updated