πŸ–ΌοΈiframe Embed (Recommended)

Enable users to buy/sell directly from your website or mobile application.

The iframe implementation of the widget allows you to embed a customizable widget right into your app or website, without requiring your user to ever leave your experience - no new tabs, no new windows. This is the recommended integration as it’s a contained experience that resides within your app or website.

Get your API Key

Your API-Key is a unique public identifier that we'll provide to you. This helps us track usage and attribution to your widget. Don't worry - there are no private auth schemes or data associated with this key. Ask your point of contact at Kado for your API key and you're good to go.

Embed the iframe

      style="border: 0px"
      allow="clipboard-write; payment; accelerometer; gyroscope; camera; geolocation; autoplay; fullscreen;"

Now that you have your basic code snippet, let's add some customizations to further reduce user friction and give users a seamless experience.

Last updated